The 18th Arci National Congress will be held in Rome from 1 to 4 December 2022 at the Auditorium Antonianum: the decision was taken at the National Council meeting on 29 April, which voted on the congress regulations and the political document 'To get out of a nightmare, it is not enough to wake up: you have to dream faster'.

For Arci we worked on the communication strategy and design of the event, taking care of the graphic project, the layout and the digital campaign.

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XVIII Congresso Nazionale Arci – 2022

Gli interventi dei relatori e delle relatrici al XVIII Congresso Nazionale sono stati raccolti in una playlist messa a disposizione sul canale youtube di Arci Nazionale.

Shopper congresso arci 2022
deleghe congresso arci 2022
Landini al congresso Arci 2022
Cuba al Congresso Arci 2022
Emiciclo congresso Arci 2022
Arcigay al congresso Arci 2022
shopper congresso arci 2022
stendardi congresso arci 2022

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