In 2021, the University of Salento commissioned us to draft a strategic policy document for the university's communication activities, with particular attention to the historical phase (pandemic, ongoing economic-cultural-social changes, etc.).

The following year, in continuity with the work done on the strategy, we worked on the idea for the 2022-2023 enrolment campaign.

On the basis of the strategy work we had already done, we worked out the concept: the object of the representation would be 'the multiplicity of possibilities', the design objective was to return an idea of 'valuable and accessible knowledge', an oxymoron in short.

At this point we defined that, just as the oxymoron relates apparently 'distant' terms in order to construct a new space of meaning through their relationship, so we would relate two languages that do not usually work together: illustration and typography.

With the help of the University of Salento, we put together a list of word-concepts that were capable of summarising the university's main areas of action and interest, in the knowledge that we could not have been exhaustive (given the complexity of such an institution). We then enriched and extended the list with words and concepts close to the first ones, which completed and defined them better.

With this list we turned to Marco Goran Romano, an esteemed illustrator, with whom we built a typographical system where each letter corresponds to an illustration that works on the representation of the identified word groups. The request made to Marco was to work with 2 registers, a more 'detailed' one (for large formats) and a more 'simple' one (for smaller formats and in the case of prints on fabric, such as t-shirts and shoppers).

At the same time, with Silvia Zotti, an attentive weaver of concepts, we worked on the copy, fine-tuning the central message of the campaign: 'The next knowledge'.

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