LAZY TYPES is an expression coined several years ago (sometime between 2002 and 2016) by Maria Rosaria Digregorio, a friend, fellow designer and lecturer.

LAZY TYPES are a particular category of projects that have to do with the world of typography.

They often consist of parts [modules] or compounds on a grid [which may or may not be orthogonal].

Their appearance is characterised by a certain brutality - not without elegance.

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During this workshop we used the TYPOGRAPHIC FREEDOM GENERATOR born from an idea of Daniele Capo during XYZ2018 and developed over the years thanks to the work of Giovanni Abbatepaolo.

It is a tool that allows us to describe the design of letters (on a grid) through typographic 'signs' that are then 'interpreted' by the computer on the basis of a 'syntax' provided to it.

You can try out the tool here:

Related typology projects