By the end of July, Roberto Covolo called us, announcing that he was running for mayor of San Vito Dei Normanni and that he wanted to involve us in his campaign, together with some friends from Pazlab. The election campaign began in August.

The concept of the campaign - developed by Roberto himself - was based on a series of subjects such as proverbs in San Vito dialect, since one of the main arguments against Roberto was that he was not a native of San Vito, and people would not accept his political suggestions.

Our work consisted in giving shape to this idea and reflect it on several different media platforms: from billboards to social media, from video storytelling to website, creating every graphic and photographic aspect of the candidate's identity.

We identified a color palette and a series of fonts (the Zine Slab Serif, a key font that belongs to the long history of politics) to build the campaign’s graphic design.

This time we put a lot of effort into the production of video content. First, because in the working group we had a professional director and a video maker, and secondly because the type of story we wanted to create suited this language very well.

It was an exciting campaign - a real love story! - full of twists and turns in a story of comeback, against an opponent considered a winner well before starting. Unfortunately, despite the merit and effort, it became a fight to the very last vote and in the end, Roberto was unable to get to the ballot for 200 votes.

The outcome of the campaign, despite the result, was fantastic: in San Vito there is now a new political project, aware of its importance and with a clear vision for the future.

The rest of the story is all to be written.

Font in use:

Zine Slab SerifCarnokyType

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