The sign of the explosion becomes a metaphor for an era, traversed by the strategy of tension and studded with attacks.

But not only that, 'Boom' is also the sound of the explosion of youth, political and trade union movements, of great struggles that led to great achievements, of the sociality and culture that swept through and transformed the country.

The project was created with the following aims:

→ To open a channel of relationship between the trade union and a youth audience, to spread its values, to tell its story, through a pop language and not only historical/celebratory.

→ Disprove the widespread opinion that the trade union does not know how to use the new media.

→ To make different subjects cooperate on a wide range of topics that can be traced back to the years '60s and '70s.

→ Setting up an operation of cultural hegemony and reconstruction through a synergetic relationship with young minds committed to the construction of shared meaning.

Font in use:

Freak Grotesk Next — AA.VV. — La Scuola Open Source

boom lotte bombe e rock'n roll
boom lotte bombe e rock'n roll
boom lotte bombe e rock'n roll
boom lotte bombe e rock'n roll
boom lotte bombe e rock'n roll

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